City of Hartford, CT
Climate Proof Your Neighborhood. The team researched, designed and created an educational brochure for neighborhoods in the City of Hartford. The template was focused on the North End neighborhood but the brochure was designed to be customizable with a few changes.
Roof and Downspout Survey for Stormwater Management. This team of one used Google Maps/Street View to evaluate the North End neighborhood of Hartford, an approximately 60-block area. The study estimated the total roof area, and the volume of stormwater generated by that area, and which sites had best potential for downspout disconnection. Based on the conclusion that disconnection opportunities were sparse, the student (an Environmental Engineering major) designed a gravel infiltration unit that could attached to a downspout with minimal excavation, for use in ultra-urban areas.
For Citation Purposes: Connecticut Sea Grant & University of Connecticut’s Center for Land Use Education and Research. (June 7, 2018). City of Hartford. https://climate.uconn.edu/climate-corps/projects/town-projects/hartford