Groton Climate Communication
For this project, two Climate Corps students focused on creating a climate communication strategy for Groton, CT which identifies the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the town's climate communications. The strategy intends to direct Groton’s future climate communication practices and will evolve as Groton continues to move toward resiliency, as well as provide information on the best communication practices, intended/primary audiences, key messages, and how best to communicate with the community while maintaining transparency and inclusivity.

Land Reclamation After Hypothetical Managed Retreat at Groton Long Point
As part of research on managed retreat, a climate corps student analyzed the impacts of sea level rise and storm surge in the Groton Long Point area. In this hypothetical scenario, four typical zones are identified to implement living shoreline technology to maintain coastline integrity, prevent erosion, and encourage biodiversity. The specific strategies involve dune construction, marshes and rock sills, coir logs, dune vegetation and recommendations of appropriate plants and long-term maintenance.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure for Groton, CT.
An assessment of top opportunities for implementing Green Stormwater Infrastructure (also known as Low Impact Development) on municipally owned properties in Groton, CT.
For Citation Purposes: Connecticut Sea Grant & University of Connecticut’s Center for Land Use Education and Research. (June 7, 2018). Town of Groton. https://climate.uconn.edu/climate-corps/projects/town-projects/town-groton