Climate Resilience Training Modules
The purpose of these online video modules is to provide current information and resources on subjects related to climate resilience for both coastal and inland communities in Connecticut for local decision makers, municipal officials and other interested groups. Through short (10 to 15 minute) videos, commission members will learn about natural hazards and climate change and impacts in Connecticut geared at providing information that is useful for decision making at the local level.

This module introduces different types of flooding and offers long-term planning solutions and near-term adaptation methods to limit future damage and allow those impacted by flooding to recover more quickly.

Climate Change in Connecticut
This module presents an overview of climate change in Connecticut, highlighting impacts that are already or projected to occur in our state.

Legal Issues & Flood Resilience
This module aims to help viewers recognize the planning and zoning interests related to flooding, describe actions they can take to reduce liability related to planning and zoning decisions, and identify key resources for further information.
Support and Acknowledgements
This Connecticut video series was developed with funding and resources from USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, UConn Extension, Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn’s Center for Land Use Education and Research.
The concept for these videos and several module scripts and resources were kindly shared by PREP-RI and the PREP-RI Team for modification to Connecticut climate impacts. We thank them for their willingness to share these as well as their knowledge and experience.
For Citation Purposes: Connecticut Sea Grant & University of Connecticut’s Center for Land Use Education and Research. (November 20, 2019). Training Modules.